
Start Trainer

Method of learning
How to use
Radical Training
Nihongo Nōryoku
How to learn





Statistics of your Learning success

For every character your personal learning saved by the kanji-trainer
-2 twice wrong answer
-1 answered wrongly once
0 improved once
1 answered correctly
2 learned
3learned properly

On a correct answer the status is set high, on a wrong answer set down.

In concrete terms: If an answer is anwered wrongly, the status is set to -1. If it is answered wrong again, it is set to -2

If the status is -2, the status will be set up to -1 on a correct answer.

On giving a correct answer again, the status will only be set to 0, if at least one day passed after the last upgrading. The purpose of this delay is to make sure, that that sign was learned properly and not only remembered in the short-time-memory.

Accordingly, the upgrade from 0 to 1 will happen, if at least 3 days after the previous upgrading happened. The same is for 1 to 2.
The status 3, which corresponds to 'learned properly' will only take place after 16 day after the last upgrding.

Remember: For the upgrading to the next status, not only the correct number counts, but also the number of days passed after the last upgrade.


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