Meaning |
to go down, to set 莫
Explanation |
The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 (= as long shadows) at sunset. - Please be aware that this very similar radical stands for the sunrise.
Used in these characters:
JLPT 1Joyo 5 |
| grave, tomb
haka, BO
Top: sunset, disappear 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: earth 土 [Watch-out: sunrise is: 旦 or ]
Sinking among plants into the earth: into the grave.
JLPT 1Joyo 6 |
| curtain, act
Top: sinking/going down 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), below: cloth 巾 [Watch out: Sunrise is: 旦 or ]
It is "sinking" (= hanging down): This cloth is a curtain.
JLPT 1Joyo 6 |
| pattern, imitate, figure, copy, model
Left: tree 木, right: sink, go down 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.) [Watch-out: sunrise is: 旦 or ]
The tree shows in the sunset (by the long shadow) its pattern.
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| bury, funeral, interment
Top & bottom: plant 艹, middle: death 死 (Below the earth 一 are the bare bones 歹 of a sitting person 匕)
Between the plants the dead are buried. (Or: Like a sunset 莫 of the dead 死 is the: funeral.)
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| desert, vague, vast, wide
Left: water 氵, right: sink, go down 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.) [Watch-out: sunrise is: 旦 or ]
Where the water has 'sunk', it is now a desert.
JLPT 2Joyo 7 |
| recruit (employees), enlisting, raise (funds)
tsunoru, BO
Top: sinking, going down 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), below: strength/effort 力 [Watch out: Sunrise is: 旦 or ]
With sinking strength we need (more) recruiting.
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| yearn for, adore, pine, love dearly
shitau, BO
Top: sinking/going down 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), below: heart 心 [Watch out: Sunrise is: 旦 or ]
Like a sinking heart: That's yearning.
JLPT 2Joyo 6 |
| live, sunset, end, life circumstances
kureru/rasu, BO
Top: sinking/going down 莫 (The plants 艹 are made by the sun 日 to be large 大 [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: sun 日 [Notice: means sunrise such as in 'morning 朝']
The sinking sun means sunset. [OR: The plants 艹 needed from one sun 日 to the next big 大 sun 日 are the life circumstances.]
JLPT 1Joyo 7 |
| membrane
Left: part of body 月/肉, right: sink, go down 莫 (Here: 艹 =2x10, 日 = image of a membrane and 大 = big part)
The body's part, that separates 20 parts by a membrane from the big part is a: membrane.
JLPT -Joyo 7 |
| fissure, gap, free space, free time
suki, GEKI
Left: hill 阝, right: vari. of sunset 莫 (small 小, day/sun 日, small 小 [= the sun becomes smaller and smaller = sunset]
Let's go to the hill at sunset, we have space and time.
Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning. |  |
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List of the characters |
List of the radicals