The Japanese Radical: 艮

not good    艮

Explanation This radical 艮 is similar to good: 良. But one stroke is missing and thus it becomes: "not good"

Used in these characters:
JLPT 4Joyo 3
shirogane, GIN
Left: metal/gold 金 (Covered in the ground 土 are 2 gold nuggets 丷), right: "not good" 艮 ('good' would be 良, but the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good')
(Gold would be better!) This metal is 'not good', it is only silver.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
root, origin, radical
ne, KON
Left: tree 木, right: 'not good' 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good')
(Not suitable as construction timber) The tree is not good at the roots.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
occasion, season, node, joint, section
Top: bamboo 竹, below: immediate 即 (Not good 艮, he shall bend 卩 - immediately!)
For bamboo it's immediately the best occasion, due to the joints.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
good, nice, fit
yoi, RYŌ
The same character 良 with a lid would be food 食
Take the lid from the food: It looks good!  
JLPT 1Joyo 5
eye, eyeball
manako, GAN
Left: eye 目, right: not good 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good')
One eye (only) is not good, but it is still an eye.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
limit, bound, restrict
kagiru, GEN
Left: hill 阝, right: not good 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good')
A hill is not good, because it is limiting.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
retreat, withdraw, resign, retire
shirizoku/keru, TAI
Left: movement 辶, right: not good 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good')
The movement is 'Not good' if it means to retreat.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
home town, village, rural
Left: var. of thread 糸, rest: variation of husband 郎 (= The 'good' 良 from the village ⻏, but here with "not good" 艮)
The thread of the 'husband' connects to the hometown.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
deplore, lament, grieve, be sad, sigh
Left: feeling 忄, right: already, before 既 (It's 'not good' 艮 that the tusk 牙 is so crooked, but it's already happened that way.)
(He has a toothache:) The feelings at a not-good tusk 牙 are deploring.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
generally, mostly, roughly, outline
ōmune, GAI
Left: tree 木, right: already, before 既 (It's 'not good' 艮 that the tusk 牙 is so crooked, but it's already happened that way.)
A tree is not-good as a modified tusk 牙: generally.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
already, previously, before
sude, KI
Left: not good 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good'), right: variation of tusk 牙 (The short lower stroke is towards the right.)
(Talk at the dentist?) It's not good that the tusk is so crooked, but it already happened that way.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
resound, echo, get known
hibiku, KYŌ
Top: home town 郷 (The thread 糸 of the 'husband' 郎 connects to the hometown.) [husband 郎 = the 'good' 良 from the village⻏], bottom: sound 音 (Stand up 立 into the day 日 with music [of the clock radio?])
(There always remains a reference to the home.) From the home town is sounding an echo.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
bitterness, resentment, rancor, malice, rueful, regret
uramu, KON
Left: feeling 忄, right: not good 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good')
The feeling is not good if it is: bitterness.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
ground-breaking cultivate, open up farmland
Left: var. of wild animal 犭, right: not good 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good'), earth 土
Wild animals with horns are not good on a ground that shall be cultivated.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
sociable, courtesy, polite, kind
nengoro, KON
Top left: var.of wild animal 犭(dog on hind legs), right: not good 艮, below: heart 心.
A wild animal with horns is not good but in its heart it is sociable & kind.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
namely, immediate, instant
sunawachi, SOKU
Left: variation of 'not good' 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good'), right: bent person 卩
Not good, he shall bow, and immediately!  
JLPT -Joyo 7
traces, mark, vestige
ato, KON
Outside: illness/disease 疒 (An ice-冫-cold building 广 makes sick.), below: not good 艮 ('good' would be 良, but here the accent 丶 is missing, thus 'not good')
The disease did not go well: You can still see its traces.  

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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