The Radical: 歹

bare bone    歹

Explanation Bones (vertebrae or rib) or variant of sitting person , under ground .

Used in these Kanji:
JLPT 4Joyo 3
death, die
shinu, SHI
Left: Bones (vertebrae or rib), right: sitting person under the ground
Under the earth are already the bones of a sitting person. This means death.
JLPT 3Joyo 3
line, row, rank
Left: bare bone (image of a vertebra), right: knife
(At the butcher) The bones are laid bare by a knife and arranged in a row.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
remain, remainder, leave, rest, leftover
nokoru, ZAN
Left: bare bone (vertebrae or rib), right: two and halberd
Only bones and two halberds remained.
JLPT 4Joyo 4
separate, distinction, difference, diverge, special
wakareru, BETSU
Left: var. of bone , right: knife
Bones are easy to separate with a knife because they are easy to distinguish.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
example, precedent, usage
tatoeru, REI
Left: Person /, right: line/row (bones separated with a knife and lined up.)
People who line up in a row set an example.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
especially, particular
koto, SHU
Left: bare bone (vertebrae or rib), right: vermilion (A branch of a young tree has sth. red )
Bare bones that turned vermilion, are very particular.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
dutiful death, martyrdom
Left: bare bone (rib or vertebrae), right: period of 10 days (wrapped sun = cloudy for 10 days)
Up to the bare bones he fought for ten more days, until his dutiful death.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
increase, augment, multiply, raise (animal)
fueru/yasu, SHOKU
Left: bare bone (vertebrae or rib) - Here as a variation of many: , right: immediately, repair (Ten eyes watch the corner ∟: repair it immediately!)
Many things can immediately be increased.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
bury, funeral, interment
Top & bottom: plant , middle: death (Below the earth are the bare bones of a sitting person )
Between the plants the dead are buried. (Or: Like a sunset of the dead is the: funeral.)
JLPT 1Joyo 7
fierce, furious, vehement, intense, extreme
Top: row (bones separated with a knife and lined up.), below: fire
A row of fires is burning fiercely.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tear, split, rip, cut, rend
saku/keru, RETSU
Top: row (bones separated with knife and lined up.), below: clothes
(Tears in clothes run along the direction of weaving) Along the row the clothes will tear.

Similar Radicals (either meaning or appearance)

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