The Japanese Radical: 攵

Stick in a hand    攵

Explanation The radical nobun shows a hand or that holds a stick (simplified from the Chinese radical 66 攴 for whip or rap. In this radical, the stick in the hand is easily cognizable.)

Used in these characters:
JLPT 4Joyo 2
oshieru, KYŌ
Left: filial duty (An old man with a stick/cane teaches them to a child .), right: strike (hand with a stick )
The old man strikes the child with a stick in the hand when teaching.
JLPT 3Joyo 2
count, number
kazu, kazoeru, SŪ, SU
Left: 娄 (rice , woman ), right: hit, strike (hand with a stick )
The rice grains are for the woman with a stick in her hand: for counting.
JLPT 3Joyo 3
arrange, put in order, prepare
totonou/eru, SEI
Top: bundle (Things , strapped with a ribbon to a bundle.) and strike (a hand with a stick), bottom: correct (at the line to stop is correct)
The bundle needs to be punched, but correctly for (good) arrangement.
JLPT 3Joyo 3
release, let go, send out, liberate
Left: side , right: beat (hand with a stick )
His side is beaten to make him release and then let him go.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
renew, reform, alter
aratameru, KAI
Left: self (Following the winding path I find myself.), right: to strike/beat (stick in a hand )
You yourself are striking for a renewed reform.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
rescue, save, relieve
sukuu, KYŪ
Left: ask for ([I'm dying of thirst] Just one drop of water , this is my: request!), right: to beat (= a hand that holds a stick )
Ask for somebody with a stick in the hand to rescue you.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
scatter, disperse, squander
chiru, SAN
Left: together and moon , right: strike (stick in a hand )
Together in the moonshine, we want to strike and then scatter.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
defeat, lose, beaten, failure
yaburu, yabureru, HAI
Left: money (Image of a cone-shell with two feelers/antennas ), right: hit, strike (= a hand with a cane/stick )
When the money/capital strikes, we are defeated.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
pasture, meadow, breed
maki, BOKU
Left: cow , right: to beat/strike (hand with a stick )
The cow is driven with strikes to the pasture.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
reason, past, cause, circumstances
yue, KO
Left: old (tomb stone), right: to strike (hand with a stick )
When the old (man) strikes, there is a reason in the past.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
study, practice, discipline, obtain
osameru, SHŪ, SHU
Left: person , center: stick , right: to strike , hair
A person with a stick is striking (desperately) the hair during Kanji's study.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
politics, government, administration
matsurigoto, SEI, SHŌ
Left: correct, proper (at the line to stop is correct), right: strike (hand , stick )
A proper strike is essential in politics.
JLPT 1Joyo 5
enemy, rival, opponent
kataki, TEKI
Left: old emperor (var. of emperor and old ), right: strike (hand with a stick )
The old emperor strikes his enemies.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
report, information, reward
Left: happiness (Between two earths / is the happiness.), right: bent person , hand
About the happiness of the bent person with (only) one hand there is a report.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
duty, work, play your part
tsutomeru, MU
Left: spear (developed from the image of a barbed lance [not to be mistaken with 'beforehand': ]), right: hit/strike (hand with a stick ), strength/force
The spear hits with force: That's its duty.
JLPT 2Joyo 6
respect, honor, esteem
uyamau, KEI
Left: any, at all 苟 (plant , sentence, phrase [= sth. wrapped out the mouth ]), right: strike/hit (hand with stick )
A plant speaking a sentence can strike with respect.
JLPT 2Joyo 6
warn, police, guard, admonish
Top: respect (A plant speaking a sentence can strike with respect.) [sentence = wrapped in the mouth ], below: word
With respectful words the police is warning.
JLPT 1Joyo 6
strict, severe, grave
kibishii, ogosoka, GEN, GON
From top: rays of light , cliff , daring (One [person's] ear was striked : How daring!)
At this light on the cliff? Too daring, there I have to be strict.
JLPT 2Joyo 6
counter for flat things like sheets
Left: tree , right: to hit/strike (hand with a stick )
A tree (= its fibers when producing paper) can be made with steady strikes into flat things.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
dare, venture
aete, aenai, KAN
Left: one , ear ; right: hit, strike (A hand with a stick )
His one ear was hit: how daring!
JLPT 1Joyo 7
surprise, amazement
odoroku/kasu, KYŌ
Top: respect (A plant speaking a sentence [=wrapped in the mouth ] can strike with respect.), below: horse
(This policeman was constantly ignored because he was very small, but:) He was respected when he got on the horse and was surprised about it.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
disclose, enlighten, illuminate, state
Top: door , hit, strike (bang) (hand with a stick ), below: opening
When the door opens with a bang into an opening, things get disclosed.
JLPT 1Joyo 6
violent, intense, vehement, ardent
hageshii, GEKI
Left: water , middle top: white , below + right: let go/release (In his side he was striked to release.)
(During a storm at sea:) When the water is white (= has white foam crests) at all sides/directions and is striking , it becomes violent.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
attack, assault
Left: craftsman , right: to strike (a hand holds a stick )
A craftsman strikes (with a stick in the hand), when he wants to attack.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
forgiveness, pardon, excuse
Left: red (When clay/earth is burned in fire , the pottery gets: red), right: to strike (a hand holds a stick
Until 'red' he was beaten and then granted forgiveness.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
to do, send, lead to
itasu, CHI
Left: reach-a-target (From the sky an arrow comes to ground : falling back), right: to strike (stick in a hand )
When I reached him, I striked, just for doing sth.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
indication, sign, summon, symptom
shirushi, CHŌ
From left: go , mountain , king , strike, hit
Go on the mountain to the king who will strike you: to give an indication.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
punish, chastise
koriru/rasu, CHŌ
Top: indication, sign (Go on the mountain to the king , who hits you for giving an indication.), below: heart
Indications for the heart can be a punishment.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
penetrate, go through, pierce, remove
From left: go , raise/grow up (The new born baby [= child , but upside down, because at birth with head first] has a body , that needs to be raised.), strike (hand with stick )
Go, grow up and if you can strike, you will get through it all.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
withdraw, remove, disengage
From left: hand , raise/grow up (The new born baby [child , but upside down, because at birth with head first] has a body , that needs to be raised.), strike (hand with stick )
The hand is raised, strikes and withdraws.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
abundance, luxuriant, profuse, prosper, voluptuous
shigeru, HAN
Top: agile, quick, intelligent (when everybody strikes ), below: thread
(Threads were made from plant fibers [such as flax / linum] by strikes.) If everybody strikes we will get threads: in abundance.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tiny, minuteness, obscure, faint, dim, delicate
Left: go , center: mountain , table (cf. ,), right: to strike
Go on the mountain to the table and smash it into tiny pieces.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
cleverness, intelligent, agile, quick
Left: each/every (A person = has a mother namely: every!), right: strike (Hand with stick )
(Think of the revenge of the inferior:) Every strike must be with cleverness.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
spread out, cover, lay
shiku, FU
Left: to begin (The hand takes the tool to use , when beginning sth.), rest: release (In his side he was striked and he released.)
You shall begin to release, if it shall spread out.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
shintō-offering (zig-zag paperstripes), currency
Top: shabby (.. when the cloth broke into four small pieces due to strikes ), below: cloth
Four small pieces of cloth are punched out of cloth as a: Shintō offering.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
evil, harmful, a bad habit, myself (humble)
Top: shabby (.. when the cloth broke into four small pieces due to strikes ), below: two hands (twice this hand 屮 with the fingers towards the top; side by side & simplified)
If the fabric is broken up into four small pieces by strikes, the two hands have caused a damage.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
copy, imitate, emulate, follow
Left: person , right: let go (In his side he was hit to release.)
(A golfer's trick:) The person has a sideways shot and that is copied.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
mist, fog
kiri, MU
Top: rain , below: duty/work (a lance , needs to be hit with strength , that's its duty)
Rain did its duty, and now we have fog.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
composed, quiet, calm, leisurely, distant

Top: person / with a stick , hit (here: beats), bottom: heart
At a person with a stick, the beating of the heart is composed and quiet.
JLPT -Joyo 7
fine (not coarse), tiny, precise
Left: thread , right: do, lead to (reach-a-target [an arrow falling to ground ], hit, strike [Here: freely interpreted as a pinhole of a needle])
If a thread is reached to be in a pinhole , it must be: fine and you acted precise.
JLPT -Joyo 7
cover, overlay
Top: grass/plant , bottom: shabby (.. when the cloth broke into four small pieces due to strikes ) [ = hand with stick ]
On the lawn, four bits of cloth are (spread) with the stick in the hand: As a cover.

Radicals are shown here that are similar either in appearance or meaning.

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