The Radical: 攵

Stick in a hand    攵

Explanation The radical nobun shows a hand or that holds a stick (simplified from the Chinese radical 66 攴 for whip or rap.)

Used in these Kanji:
JLPT 4Joyo 2
oshieru, KYŌ
Left: filial duty (An old man with a stick/cane teaches them to a child .), right: strike (hand with a stick )
The old man strikes the child with a stick in the hand when teaching.
JLPT 3Joyo 2
count, number
kazu, kazoeru, SŪ, SU
Left: 娄 (rice , woman ), right: hit, strike (hand with a stick )
The rice grains are for the woman with a stick in her hand: for counting.
JLPT 3Joyo 3
arrange, put in order, prepare
totonou/eru, SEI
Top: bundle (Things , strapped with a ribbon to a bundle.) and strike (a hand with a stick), bottom: correct (at the line to stop is correct)
The bundle needs to be punched, but correctly for (good) arrangement.
JLPT 3Joyo 3
release, let go, send out, liberate
Left: side , right: beat (hand with a stick )
His side is beaten to make him release and then let him go.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
renew, reform, alter
aratameru, KAI
Left: self (Following the winding path I find myself.), right: to strike/beat (stick in a hand )
You yourself are striking for a renewed reform.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
rescue, save, relieve
sukuu, KYŪ
Left: ask for ([I'm dying of thirst] Just one drop of water , this is my: request!), right: to beat (= a hand that holds a stick )
Ask for somebody with a stick in the hand to rescue you.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
scatter, disperse, squander
chiru, SAN
Left: together and moon , right: strike (stick in a hand )
Together in the moonshine, we want to strike and then scatter.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
defeat, lose, beaten, failure
yaburu, yabureru, HAI
Left: money (Image of a cone-shell with two feelers/antennas ), right: hit, strike (= a hand with a cane/stick )
When the money/capital strikes, we are defeated.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
pasture, meadow, breed
maki, BOKU
Left: cow , right: to beat/strike (hand with a stick )
The cow is driven with strikes to the pasture.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
reason, past, cause, circumstances
yue, KO
Left: old (tomb stone), right: to strike (hand with a stick )
When the old (man) strikes, there is a reason in the past.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
study, practice, discipline, obtain
osameru, SHŪ, SHU
Left: person , center: stick , right: to strike , hair
A person with a stick is striking (desperately) the hair during Kanji's study.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
politics, government, administration
matsurigoto, SEI, SHŌ
Left: correct, proper (at the line to stop is correct), right: strike (hand , stick )
A proper strike is essential in politics.
JLPT 1Joyo 5
enemy, rival, opponent
kataki, TEKI
Left: old emperor (var. of emperor and old ), right: strike (hand with a stick )
The old emperor strikes his enemies.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
report, information, reward
Left: happiness (Between two earths / is the happiness.), right: bent person , hand
About the happiness of the bent person with (only) one hand there is a report.
JLPT 2Joyo 5
duty, work, play your part
tsutomeru, MU
Left: spear (developed from the image of a barbed lance [not to be mistaken with 'beforehand': ]), right: hit/strike (hand with a stick ), strength/force
The spear hits with force: That's its duty.
JLPT 2Joyo 6
respect, honor, esteem
uyamau, KEI
Left: any, at all 苟 (plant , sentence, phrase [= sth. wrapped out the mouth ]), right: strike/hit (hand with stick )
A plant speaking a sentence can strike with respect.
JLPT 2Joyo 6
warn, police, guard, admonish
Top: respect (A plant speaking a sentence can strike with respect.) [sentence = wrapped in the mouth ], below: word
With respectful words the police is warning.
JLPT 1Joyo 6
strict, severe, grave
kibishii, ogosoka, GEN, GON
From top: rays of light , cliff , daring (One [person's] ear was striked : How daring!)
At this light on the cliff? Too daring, there I have to be strict.
JLPT 2Joyo 6
counter for flat things like sheets
Left: tree , right: to hit/strike (hand with a stick )
A tree (= its fibers when producing paper) can be made with steady strikes into flat things.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
dare, venture
aete, aenai, KAN
Left: one , ear ; right: hit, strike (A hand with a stick )
His one ear was hit: how daring!
JLPT 1Joyo 7
surprise, amazement
odoroku/kasu, KYŌ
Top: respect (A plant speaking a sentence [=wrapped in the mouth ] can strike with respect.), below: horse
(This policeman was constantly ignored because he was very small, but:) He was respected when he got on the horse and was surprised about it.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
disclose, enlighten, illuminate, state
Top: door , hit, strike (bang) (hand with a stick ), below: opening
When the door opens with a bang into an opening, things get disclosed.
JLPT 1Joyo 6
violent, intense, vehement, ardent
hageshii, GEKI
Left: water , middle top: white , below + right: let go/release (In his side he was striked to release.)
(During a storm at sea:) When the water is white (= has white foam crests) at all sides/directions and is striking , it becomes violent.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
attack, assault
Left: craftsman , right: to strike (a hand holds a stick )
A craftsman strikes (with a stick in the hand), when he wants to attack.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
forgiveness, pardon, excuse
Left: red (When clay/earth is burned in fire , the pottery gets: red), right: to strike (a hand holds a stick
Until 'red' he was beaten and then granted forgiveness.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
to do, send, lead to
itasu, CHI
Left: reach-a-target (From the sky an arrow comes to ground : falling back), right: to strike (stick in a hand )
When I reached him, I striked, just for doing sth.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
indication, sign, summon, symptom
shirushi, CHŌ
From left: go , mountain , king , strike, hit
Go on the mountain to the king who will strike you: to give an indication.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
punish, chastise
koriru/rasu, CHŌ
Top: indication, sign (Go on the mountain to the king , who hits you for giving an indication.), below: heart
Indications for the heart can be a punishment.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
penetrate, go through, pierce, remove
From left: go , raise/grow up (The new born baby [= child , but upside down, because at birth with head first] has a body , that needs to be raised.), strike (hand with stick )
Go, grow up and if you can strike, you will get through it all.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
withdraw, remove, disengage
From left: hand , raise/grow up (The new born baby [child , but upside down, because at birth with head first] has a body , that needs to be raised.), strike (hand with stick )
The hand is raised, strikes and withdraws.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
abundance, luxuriant, profuse, prosper, voluptuous
shigeru, HAN
Top: agile, quick, intelligent (when everybody strikes ), below: thread
(Threads were made from plant fibers [such as flax / linum] by strikes.) If everybody strikes we will get threads: in abundance.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tiny, minuteness, obscure, faint, dim, delicate
Left: go , center: mountain , table (cf. ,), right: to strike
Go on the mountain to the table and smash it into tiny pieces.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
cleverness, intelligent, agile, quick
Left: each/every (A person = has a mother namely: every!), right: strike (Hand with stick )
(Think of the revenge of the inferior:) Every strike must be with cleverness.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
spread out, cover, lay
shiku, FU
Left: to begin (The hand takes the tool to use , when beginning sth.), rest: release (In his side he was striked and he released.)
You shall begin to release, if it shall spread out.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
shintō-offering (zig-zag paperstripes), currency
Top: shabby (.. when the cloth broke into four small pieces due to strikes ), below: cloth
Four small pieces of cloth are punched out of cloth as a: Shintō offering.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
evil, harmful, a bad habit, myself (humble)
Top: shabby (.. when the cloth broke into four small pieces due to strikes ), below: two hands (twice this hand 屮 with the fingers towards the top; side by side & simplified)
If the fabric is broken up into four small pieces by strikes, the two hands have caused a damage.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
copy, imitate, emulate, follow
Left: person , right: let go (In his side he was hit to release.)
(A golfer's trick:) The person has a sideways shot and that is copied.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
mist, fog
kiri, MU
Top: rain , below: duty/work (a lance , needs to be hit with strength , that's its duty)
Rain did its duty, and now we have fog.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
composed, quiet, calm, leisurely, distant

Top: person / with a stick , hit (here: beats), bottom: heart
At a person with a stick, the beating of the heart is composed and quiet.
JLPT -Joyo 7
fine (not coarse), tiny, precise
Left: thread , right: do, lead to (reach-a-target [an arrow falling to ground ], hit, strike [Here: freely interpreted as a pinhole of a needle])
If a thread is reached to be in a pinhole , it must be: fine and you acted precise.
JLPT -Joyo 7
cover, overlay
Top: grass/plant , bottom: shabby (.. when the cloth broke into four small pieces due to strikes ) [ = hand with stick ]
On the lawn, four bits of cloth are (spread) with the stick in the hand: As a cover.

Similar Radicals (either meaning or appearance)

At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radials

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