The Japanese Radical: 土

earth    土

Explanation ground, soil

Used in these characters:
JLPT 5Joyo 1
gold, metal, money
kane, kana, KIN, KON
From top: cover, lid , earth/soil , two gold nuggets
Covered in the ground is the gold.  
JLPT 5Joyo 1
earth, soil, ground
tsuchi, DO, TO
A cross , earth, ground
A cross stands on the ground.  
JLPT 3Joyo 2
tera, JI
Top: earth , bottom: skillful hand
Made from earth, and skillful hands built the temple.  
JLPT 5Joyo 2
shrine, company
yashiro, SHA
Left: to show, altar 示/ (image of an altar with sth. on that is shown.), right: earth
Show me the earth/ground, where you want to build your company or shrine.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
Left: earth , right: sunrise / (Sun over the horizon with sun rays )
The earth at the sunrise with warming rays: This is my place.  
JLPT 4Joyo 2
ground, land
Left: earth , right: a placeholder for a change (image of a snake that molts [=shedding the skin])
The earth in a different shape becomes ground and land.  
JLPT 4Joyo 3
building, shop
ya, OKU
Outside: buttocks (in side view), below: reach-a-target (From the sky an arrow comes to the ground : falling back)
His buttocks reaches the shop.  
JLPT 4Joyo 3
leave, go away, quit, finish
saru, KYO, KO
Top: earth , bottom: a nose (in side view)
When the nose is below the earth, it has gone away - it is finished.  
JLPT 4Joyo 3
easy, light, flippant
karui, KEI
Left: a vehicle (A hand-cart seen from above with axle , loading area and two wheels ), right: vertical (A hand is vertically above ground )
Pulling a vehicle by hand over the flat earth (=aligned to the vertical) is easy.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
happiness, happy, blessed
saiwai, shiawase, sachi,
From top: earth , var. of sheep . Or: Earth , two drops , mirrored earth
Between two earths is the happiness.  
JLPT 3Joyo 3
slope, hill
saka, HAN
Left: earth , right: opposition (Climbing the cliff by hand ? I am opposing!)
The earth opposes to be a slope or hill. (It likes to distribute flatly.)  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
shio, EN
Left: earth/soil , right: horizontal person , mouth , plate
It comes from the ground and the lying person takes it into the mouth. On the plate is: salt.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
model, form, pattern, mold, type, shape
kata, KEI
Top: punishment 刑 (who openly uses a knife is punished), below: earth
With an open knife and earth (=clay) a model is formed.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
accomplish, gain, attain, plural suffix
-tachi, TATSU
Left: movement , right: variation of luck (earth (=grazing lands ) and sheep )
For (new grazing) lands the sheep need to move, for: accomplishment. (Or: With a kind of luck and movements [=activity] you can accomplish.)  
JLPT 4Joyo 4
hall, temple hall, public chamber

Top: furthermore/besides/respect (A small house with window is furthermore also respected.), below: earth BETTER: A reinforced roof with additional beams because of the size of a hall on the ground
The reinforced roof for a hall on the ground: The hall!  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
heat, temperature, fever
atsui, NETSU
Top left: earth , eight , earth , right: round (sth. nine--sided needs an extra stroke to become round.), bottom: fire
Earth in eight layers around the fire: This will be a heat.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
land, shore, continent
Left: hill , right: 坴 (twice earth/land and legs )
A "hill" where you go from land to land is a continent.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
pressure, overpressure
Cliff and earth
A cliff with its earth causes a pressure.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
foundation, base
motozuku, KI
Top: image of a grain shovel/scoop (tool for threshing, that is used for throwing up the grain rhythmically in certain periods [thus used in period 期] to separate the grain from the husk; below: earth
The grain scoop has an earthen foundation.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
border, boundary
sakai, KYŌ, KEI
Left: earth , right: to stand , sun and legs (here as: to go)
The earth remains standing, while the sun continues to go: We are at the border.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
average, level, balance
hitoshii, KIN
Left: earth , right: ladle with a bit more in it
The earth in the ladle is average.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
longitude, Sutra, pass
heru, tatsu, KEI, KYŌ
Left: thread , right: vertical (A hand is vertically above the ground )
(developed from the vertical warp threads at the loom) A thread with a vertical orientation stands for the longitude or the Sutra.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
be, exist, countryside
aru, ZAI
Outside: var. of talent (If the big man balances on one foot, he is talented.), below: earth
The best talents on earth exist in the countryside.  
JLPT 1Joyo 5
house, accommodation, quarters
From top: roof earth/ground and entrance
A roof above the ground with an entrance: that's an accommodation.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
increase, gain, rise
masu, fueru/yasu,
Left: earth , right: formerly/before (At rain on the field as under the sun , that's how we worked formerly.)
On earth, compared to before, we have increased.  
JLPT 1Joyo 5
grave, tomb
haka, BO
Top: sunset, disappear (The plants are made by the sun to be large [= as long shadows] at sunset.), bottom: earth [Watch-out: sunrise is: or ]
Sinking among plants into the earth: into the grave.  
JLPT 2Joyo 5
report, information, reward
Left: happiness (Between two earths / is the happiness.), right: bent person , hand
About the happiness of the bent person with (only) one hand there is a report.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6
region, zone, range, area
Left: earth , right: a certain 或 (halberd , outline of a field with marked border/division line )
Earth and fields were divided by halberds into regions and zones.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
district, area, road
machi, GAI, KAI
Outside: to go , center: piled soil (= 2x earth )
I am walking on elevated earth: The road in my district.  
JLPT 3Joyo 4
Left: to go , right: vertical (A hand is vertically above the ground .)
Go (at a wheel) with your hand from the ground vertically upwards to measure the: diameter.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6
seat, sit, gather
suwaru, ZA
From top: building 广, 坐 (=2 persons , earth/ground )
In the building, two persons use the ground for sitting.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
reach (a target), result in, get to, peak, climax
itaru/ri, SHI
Top: arrow with sth. attached, below: earth
An arrow (falling back) to the ground has reached it.  
JLPT 2Joyo 6
Left: earth/ground , right: achieve/become (In the direction of the halberds we will achieve.)
(When earth/ground is piled up to a wall:) Out of this ground we will achieve/make: a castle.  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
hang down, drop, suspend, drip, to slouch
tareru/rasu, SUI

A vehicle with a loose wheel that hangs down (and almost drops off.)  
JLPT 1Joyo 6
highness, majesty, throne
Left: hill , right: compare (Two sitting persons , who are compared) and: earth
Like a hill compared to the earth is his highness on the throne.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
grasp, grip, hold
nigiru, AKU
Left: hand , right: building, shop 屋 (buttock seen from the side and: reach-a-target [From the sky an arrow comes to ground : falling back])
The hand is in the shop to grasp. (the goods). OR: When the hand reached the buttocks, it grasped.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
kemuri, kemui/tai, EN
Left: fire , right: west 西 (Sunset of the sun under the horizon in the west.), earth
(Westerly winds are commonly frequent.) A fire from the west of the earth brings us the: smoke.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
lump, clod, mass, chunk
katamari, KAI
Left: earth , right: devil (= death mask [mark , field ] with legs and nose )
The earth is for the devil just a lump.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
demolition, break, destroy, ruin
kowareru/su, KAI
Left: earth , right: ten , eye , clothes
Earth in ten eyes and on the clothes: A lot was demolished.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
barrier, fence, hedge
Left: earth , right: range, extent (= from sunrise [= the sun above the horizon ] to sunset [= under the horizon])
The earth is divided into ranges/extents by barriers =fences.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
endure, bear, withstand
taeru, tamaru, KAN, TAN
Left: earth , right: extreme, excessive (= sweets [= mouth with sth. in] and 'equals' [= box with two identical bales] are extraordinary.)
The earth has extreme endurance.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
firm, solid, hard
katai, KEN
Top: retainer and hand , below: earth/ground
A retainer has to work by hand in the earth, when it is firm and hard.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
mine, hole, pit

Left: earth , right: "sailor" (The sailor as used in navigation 航, a big person with a broad neck)
With earth works the person with a broad neck: in a mine.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
ground-breaking cultivate, open up farmland
Left: var. of wild animal , right: not good ('good' would be , but here the accent is missing, thus 'not good'), earth
Wild animals with horns are not good on a ground that shall be cultivated.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tenacious, grasp, transact, obsession, persistence
Left: happiness (Between two earths / is the happiness), right: round (Sth. nine--sided needs an extra stroke to become round.)
(It slips out of our hands too easily:) As happiness is round, you have to grasp it tenaciously.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
Juku, private cram school
Top left: receive, pleased (the tall child has received and is pleased), round (sth. nine--sided needs an extra accent to become round.), below: earth
Big children around the earth need the cram school.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
make up, cosmetics, adorn
Left: rice , right: [cottage] 庄 (building 广 and earth/ground )
If the rice is in the building all over the floor, it has a nice make-up.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
argillaceous/clay soil at farmland, ground

Left: earth, soil , right: (six , well , clothes )
This soil from the six wells sticks at your clothes: clay-soil.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
model, make (of clay)
Top: new moon [さく] (= 1. day of lunar month) 朔 (disobedient or reverse [chinese only], var. of reverse/opposite 逆 [out to the mountain and downwards movements are reversed] & moon , bottom: earth
For forming a counterpart of the moon you can use earth/clay and modelize it  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
degenerate, deteriorate, descend to
Left: hill , right: be/have/exist (I have a hand and a body , thus: I'm existing!), below: earth
A hill that exists but turns into (flat) earth/ground, is: degenerating.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
stage, podium, rostrum
Left: earth , right: var. of high (image of a watch tower) and: sunrise (sun above the horizon )
On the ground, where you rotate 回 (= dance) under a cover and with a staircase is the stage.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
crash, fall, crumble
Top: unit/party/corps 隊 (Out of the hills like pigs rushes the troops.), below: earth
The unit/corps is on the ground: It has fallen / crashed.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
tumulus, mound, hillock
tsuka, CHŌ
Left: earth , right: cover , pig (cf. corpse 骸)
Earth covers the pig and forms its tumulus.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
tsubo (measure of area 3.31sqm, two mats)
tsubo, HEI
Left: earth/ground , right: flat/plain (image of a scales /balance)
The ground has to be flat to measure one Tsubo.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
dike, embankment
tsutsumi, TEI
Left: earth , right: correct (sun , vari. of correct )
Earth is the correct (material) for a dike.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
vomit, through up, spit up, disgorge, spew
haku, TO
Left: mouth , right: earth/ground
From his mouth and onto the ground he disgorged the vomit.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
painting, plaster, coat
nuru, TO
Top: 涂 (water , in excess, remain (A heap is still on an altar 示 [= to show], thus in excess.), bottom: earth/ground
The water remains on the ground look like a painting.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
tower, monument, pagoda

Left: earth , right: plant and: to fit (lid fits on pot )
(fiber-reinforced composite FRC) Earth must be reinforced with plant fiber in a fitting way, when you build a pagoda.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
cultivate, foster, to grow sth.
tsuchikau, BAI
Left: earth , right: to spit (stand with open mouth and spit)
On the earth it was spit and then they started cultivating.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
(burial-)mound, grave, tomb
Left: earth , right: (ten , plant ), shell/money
Earth, ten plants and money are needed for: a burial mound.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
wall, fence
Left: earth , right: buttocks in side view , to unite (When coming out of a the gate (= image of a toori) of a shinto-shrine you shall be united)
Made of earth to unite the buttocks within: The wall or the fence.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
wall, barrier
kabe, HEKI
Top: anal penetration/torture (buttock from the side , anus with needle as symbol for penetration or torture), below: earth/ground
Anal penetration on the ground behind a wall.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
boy, son, Buddhist priest, bonze

Left: earth , right: side, direction
(When begging:) On the earth sits at a side: a boy (or a monk).  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
ink, ink stick
sumi, BOKU
Top: black (The underside of the pot on the fire is black.), bottom: earth
Black earth is used for ink.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
moat, ditch, canal
hori, KUTSU
Left: earth , right: stoop/crouch (The buttock [= butt's crack] comes out when stooping. = "plumber's crack or smile")
It is in the ground and you need to crouch into: a moat or ditch.  
JLPT 2Joyo 7
u[zu],maru/meru/moreru, MAI
Left: earth/ground , right: village (Both fields and earth belong to a village.)
In the ground next to the village we will be buried.  
JLPT 1Joyo 7
fort, baseball, base
From top: field ; four-fold; earth
The field is four-fold [= to all sides] piled up with earth and becomes: a fortification.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
destroy, break, damage, scratched
Left: mortar (cf. pressing hands/press [cf:緑,興), earth , right: weapon 几 (battle axe) in hand .
Within a mortar made of earth or with a battle axe in your hand you can: destroy.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
be proud, pride, haughtiness

Left: person , center top: earth , below + right: release, let go (In his side he was hit to release.)
(No respect for the environment of our planet) When persons of this earth are released, they act with pride and haughtiness.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
obstruct, blockage
fusagu, fusagaru, SAI, SOKU
From top: roof , a well , var. of six , earth
Despite the roof, the well was already six-times filled with earth and thus obstructed.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
cape (geography), spit (geography), promontory
Left: earth , right: strange/unusual (There is a big possibility , but it looks strange)
(Maybe, there is a beautiful beach?) The earth has great possibilities beyond the cape (promontory).  
JLPT -Joyo 7
piled up, stack, heap
Left: earth , right: bird
(Birds prefer elevated spots:) On this earth birds are sitting: On sth. piled up.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
fill in, to insert, be inserted
hamaru, hameru, TEN
Left: earth , right: sitting person , var. of prefecture (The eye sees in the corner ∟ (of a map) a small prefecture)
As for the earth, there is a person from the prefecture who will fill it up.  
JLPT -Joyo 7
harmonious, friendly, intimate
Left: eye , right: 坴 (walking with legs from land to [= part of continent 陸])
The view on all that land is friendly and harmonious.  

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