The Radical: 付

attach    付


Used in these Kanji:
JLPT 3Joyo 4
attach, fix, adhere, apply
tsuku, FU
Left: person /, right: skillful hand
A person with a skillful hand attaches sth.
JLPT 3Joyo 4
urban prefecture
Left and top: building 广, rest: attach (Person with skillful hand attaches sth.)
The buildings that are attaching, belong to the prefecture.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
attached, be affixed, stick
Left: hill , right: attach (Person with skillful hand attaches sth.)
At the hill, sth. is attached.
JLPT 2Joyo 7
token, sign, tally, mark, talisman, amulet
Top: bamboo , below: attach, apply (A person with a skillful hand attaches sth.)
(For the announcement he used a bamboo panel:) It's made of bamboo and is attached: A token or a sign.
JLPT 1Joyo 7
rot, decay, go bad, sour
kusaru/reru, FU
Top: (urban) prefecture, government (building 广, attach [Person with skillful hand attaches sth.]), below: meat
If sb. attaches meat to a building, it will rot.

Similar Radicals (either meaning or appearance)

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