Memory phrase for the Kanji: 朝


Meaning morning




Left: sunrise (The sun 日 rises between plants 艹), right: moon 月


At sunrise, the moon is still there: It is morning.


morningThe left part already stands for sunrise and is a variant of the sunrise 旦, where the sun is above the horizon. When the moon 月 is still there, it is the morning. The sunset is: 莫.
sun risePlease be aware that this very similar radical 莫 stands for the sunset. This appears strange, but seems to be fact-based due to: sunset 暮 and morning 朝.
monthThe radical tsuki stands for moon or month when used at the right side of a character. However the radical niku 肉 that stands for body or body-part is in many cases simplified to 月 and thus looks equal as "moon".
plant, grassShows two plants growing through the ground, and is a simple variation of 艸.
sun rise
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


北朝鮮 きたちょうせん  North Korea
あさ  Morning
早朝 そうちょう  early morning
今朝 けさ  this morning
朝刊 ちょうかん  morning newspaper
朝御飯 あさごはん  breakfast
毎朝 まいあさ  every morning
朝食 ちょうしょく  Breakfast
朝寝坊 あさねぼう  oversleeping, late riser

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