Memory phrase for the Kanji: 博



doktorate, gain, gamble, extensive, wide




Left: ten , right: var. of wholly, exclusively (The soil is penetrated by a (single) sprout in the rice field , cared for by a skillful hand , which is exclusive.)


(Gratitude of the patients:) Tenfold is the whole gain of a doctor.


ten, 10Two crossed arms (with five fingers each) means ten.
exclusivelyspecialty, wholly, solely
reason, causeA rice field with a sprouting plant A field with just one sprouting plant: there must be a reason.
skillful handImage of a hand forearm and pulse . It was originally also the distance of one inch (Length: 1 SUN = 3.03 cm) from the hand's palm to the pulse. This also stood for a small amount. In the mnemonic, it is used as "skillful hand" and partly also "to measure".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 博士  はかせ  doctorate, PhD
 博物館  はくぶつかん  museum
 博打  ばくち  gambling, speculation

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