Kanji-Trainer: Learn the Japanese Kanji with Mnemonics!
The Strengths of the Trainer are:
The mnemonics (memory phrases) are generally based on the correct etymological background.
There are 538 radicals, significantly more than the traditional 214.
This results in meaningful mnemonics and makes it easier to remember them.
Some examples:
圣 is the radical for "vertical".
A hand 又 (forearm pointing downwards to the right) is shown and the earth 土 below, so that a hand is shown vertically above the earth.
--> The Radical for "vertical" 圣
stands for a "skillful hand". There is historical evidence that this was indeed meant to represent a hand.
And this understanding is helpful for many mnemonic phrases:
--> Mnemonic phrase for radical: "skillful hand 寸"
Here the radical
艮 for "not good".
- It is similar to "good 艮",
but since the upper accent 丶 is missing, it is only a "not good".
And it's amazing how well the mnemonic sentences fit:
--> radical: "not good 艮"
龹 is understood as a border guard,
which is not etymological correct but at least helpful in many cases:
--> radical border guard 龹.
.. and many, many other more.
Go for it and try out these links! You'll be amazed at how easy it is to learn!