The Radical: 革

Leather    革

Explanation Also stands for leather

Used in these Kanji:
JLPT 2Joyo 6
leather, skin, renew, reform
kawa, KAKU
Center: skin , rest: pictograph of a horned animal
The horned 廿 animal has a skin of leather.

JLPT 2Joyo 7
kutsu, KA
Left: leather (The horned 廿 animal has a skin of leather), right: change (When a standing person is sitting down, this is a change.)
Leather changes into shoes.

JLPT 1Joyo 7
intercept, obstruct, interrupt
saegiru, SHA
Left: movement , right: common, various (In a building 广 the objects 廿 on the fire are various) - Here: 廿 as the horns of animals, cf.: leather
(No free-range livestock): We have the stable/hutch 广 for the animals (horns 廿 and 4 legs ) such that their movement is: intercept/ interrupted.
广 廿
JLPT 1Joyo 7
hegemony, domination, leadership, supremac, champion
Top: west 西 (Sunset under the horizon of the sun in the west), bottom: leather (The horned 廿 animal has a skin of leather), month
In the west, they make (as much) leather within a month to get leadership as hegemon.

Similar Radicals (either meaning or view)

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