The Radical: 曷

interrogation    曷

Explanation also as an interrogative particle: why, how, when

Used in these Kanji:
JLPT 1Joyo 7
audience (with high person)
Left: word , right: variation of easy/simple (sun and rays , with a sitting person instead of two rays
When words come from a sun shining down to you (= a small sitting person), you are at an audience.

JLPT 1Joyo 7
shout loudly, scold, browbeat, hoarse
Left: mouth , right: (var. of easy (sun , rays with a sitting person instead two rays)
(Is it too hot for them?) The mouths of those sitting in the sunshine are shouting loudly.

JLPT 1Joyo 7
kawaku, KATSU
Left: water , right: var. of easy (sun , rays, where the inner rays are subsituted by a sitting person )
Water is needed by the person sitting in the sunshine, because he is thirsty.

JLPT 1Joyo 7
dark brown, coarse woolen cloth
Left: clothes 衤/, right: var. of easy (sun , rays with sitting person instead two rays)
The clothes of the person sitting in the sunshine are made of coarse wool and is dark brown.

JLPT 1Joyo 7
announcement, display, hold up, bulletin, posting
kakageru, KEI
Left: hand , right: var. of easy (sun , rays , with a sitting person instead of the inner rays)
The hand points like the sunshine on a sitting person for an announcement.

JLPT -Joyo 7
kudzu (Pueraria montana), arrowroot
kuzu, katsu
Top: plant , below: Variant of 'good' (sun with rays , with: person , angle ∟
The plant which the person planted in a sunny corner is this climbing vines: kudzu.


Similar Radicals (either meaning or view)

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